What is Auditing in Health and Social Care Agencies?

Audits have commonly been associated with finance and as such can seem like an unusual thing to include in health and social care, but an audit is simply a method of checking that many of us do without thinking, this includes:
- Identify a subject matter- in care, this could be something as everyday as checking enough staff are on rota, or as big as clinical competence checks
- Consider parameters- what will you check and what is relevant to your audit. Are there specific regulations or laws you are checking against? Number of files or items to check?
- Collect data in a non-biased way and collate to show evidence

When it comes to agencies, services who use them will often conduct audits to ensure that their expectations, and conditions of contract are being met.
They may choose to see files of all the staff who have worked through the agency for them, or select several based on specific criteria such as length of service, specialism, or role.
They will have a team look through each file, noting what is and isn’t compliant with their expectations. These could be levels or types of training, level of DBS checks, reference collection evidence, levels of experience, or right to work in that role.
Once they have completed their checks, they give feedback to the agency and decide whether any of their requirements or expectations have or haven’t been met.

In our last external audit, we had great feedback:
“The packs you provided were clear and well organised and you communicated clearly throughout and responded fast to queries. It was a pleasure to complete your audit.
As a result of this, we will promote you to managers across the business and look forward to continuing to work with you”
Senior Resourcing Coordinator
Compliance to regulatory standards, and specific service needs is what makes Dean Healthcare a great choice for covering your staffing needs. With options from temp cover to permanent recruitment, we are here to make sure that your expectations are always met, and your service users able to live full lives.