October 2023

The Wonderful People Supported by Dean Healthcare

Founded in 2005, our ethos at Dean Healthcare is to be a quality recruitment agency where our workers are valued and the care they provide to the service users we support is high-quality and unparalleled. Fast forward nearly two decades and our culture remains the same, treating all people with respect, dignity and compassion. In today’s blog, we’re going to explore more about those who are supported by Dean Healthcare and the type of specific care and attention to detail our team undertake to ensure their utmost health and happiness too.

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Learning Disability Support

As described by learning disability organisation Mencap a learning disability is a reduced learning ability and difficulty with everyday activities, with three different classifications; mild, moderate and severe. As a result of learning disabilities being so wide-ranging and specific to an individual, the care and attention these people receive must match.

Because learning disabilities can affect how someone goes about their daily lives, typical responsibilities of our Support Workers can include;

  • Being an effective communicator - Caring for someone with a learning disability can take time to build trust and foster a friendship or closeness whereby they are willing to open up and convey their feelings in their presence. Similarly, the complexities of language mean that sometimes it is less appropriate to use complex phrasing and unfamiliar words. Oftentimes, symbols, signs or sounds can replace words and it is important for a careworker to recognise how people communicate in different ways, and to always follow their lead and care plans with communication.

  • Providing routine and assistance - For people with learning disabilities, establishing routine can be challenging, for example, some may struggle with time management, and some may prefer strict structures in their daily life. It’s important for a care worker to understand the individual preferences of the person, and where possible, create a culture that involves some sort of routine. This could be in the form of helping to tidy their home, to go out for a walk or by assisting at meal times. More than just establishing routine through responsibilities, workers are there to support, encourage independence, confidence and problem-solving skills.

  • Creating a safe space and enjoyable atmosphere. An element of support work that people outside the sector may not be aware of is the ability to use opportunities for fulfilment and enjoyment. By taking part in meaningful activities, interests and hobbies, we all find feelings of accomplishment and creativity. It is important that someone working in social care understands what a service user enjoys and dislikes , so that they can facilitate this in a way that gives affirmation and enjoyment.
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Mental Health Support

Those who live with mental health conditions can be assisted by a Support worker, typically a Mental Health Support Worker or Mental Health Nurse, whose job it is to understand their clients state of mental welfare, provide treatment plans or help them with emotional and day to day support and guidance. Let’s explore more about their responsibilities:

  • Building effective relationships - , it is vital that support workers are able to create strong and effective relationships with those who need mental health support. This not only allows the individual to; open up, discuss thoughts, share feelings or emote concerns, building trust and a connection in which they feel listened to and understood which can benefit their current state of mind, but it also empowers them to seek the services and support that may help in their recovery or management, such as therapy, or even simpler tasks like taking medication.

  • Conducting assessments - The severity, nature and duration of mental health is unique to each individual. Part of the role of a Support Worker or Nurse is understanding and assessing how severe this might be, to then allow for appropriate action to be put in place. Some people may pose a risk to themselves or those around them, whereas some may be dealing with a condition which is only periodically difficult. Being a support worker or RMN, depending on the level of need a service user, you will be expected to make reports and possibly even recommendations, and contribute to the persons care or recovery plans.

  • Working with others - A Mental Health Support Worker or Nurse will always need to work closely with those around them. This is to ensure that those in their care with mental health needs are provided with the most appropriate care, and that any of these assessments about the individual are accurate and understood by other professionals. Examples of these other professionals can include; psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and art therapists.
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Elderly Support

The elderly too require a unique level of care and attention that is unique to their age group. For example, some residents or service users will have limited mobility issues and may require physical assistance to go about their daily lives. Others, for example, with dementia, will require a patient care worker that can provide companionship and help make them feel at ease.

Because older people can have underlying conditions, diseases or mental or physical abilities it is more difficult to summarise the responsibilities of a Healthcare Assistant, however some of the key overarching tasks can include:

  • Helping with personal care such as getting dressed, hygiene tasks or eating and drinking.
  • Providing company to make help them feel connected and reduce worry, promoting familiarity and a listening ear.
  • Recording and reporting relevant information such as medication, accidents or any noticeable changes to wellbeing so they are best cared for and supported.
  • Encouraging elderly residents to socialise with those around them and to get involved in any daily activities that might include; singing, dancing, bingo or trips out, to name but a few.
  • Relaying important and sometimes sensitive information and education to an elderly person’s family members or ways they can help and their relatives wellbeing.
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At Dean Healthcare we provide care and support to a variety of people within our client's services, all with different requirements, needs or interests and in different situations. What remains the same for each individual, is the dedication from our team, the passion they uphold and the quality of care they provide in order to better the lives of others. If you’ve enjoyed this deep dive and would like to learn more about Dean Healthcare and how we operate, please visit the ‘About’ page on our website, or alternatively, follow us on all social media, @deanhealthcare.