
Working together, improving lives

July 2023

Dean Healthcare 2023 Q2 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to a new edition of the Dean Healthcare Newsletter. We hope you have all been enjoying the change in season and have had the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine where possible!

Speaking of summer weather, in this Newsletter we’re taking a look at ways to keep yourself and those you care for safe during extreme heat. We’ll be updating you on some exciting changes to the Bristol branch in the coming weeks, as well as sharing some feedback from our recently shared client surveys. So stick around to find out about these results and more exciting content from Dean Healthcare!

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Safety In Summer: A Short Guide For Healthcare Workers ☀️

As healthcare workers, we play a crucial role in providing care and support to individuals who may be vulnerable due to physical or mental disabilities. The summer season brings its own set of challenges including extreme temperatures and potential health risks associated with dehydration. Here are just a few tips you should consider to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for both yourself and those you care for!

Stay Hydrated – Warm weather can quickly lead to dehydration. Encourage the consumption of water and ensure fresh water is always accessible. Also, consider incorporating hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables with high-water content for those who may struggle to consume large quantities of water.

Sun Protection – For those with limited mobility it is imperative they are provided with appropriate protection from the suns harmful UV rays. Assist in the application of sunscreen with a high SPF and encourage the use of wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and lightweight, loose-fitting clothing where possible. This will also promote comfort during the hottest times of the day.

Mental Health Support – For many, the sun provides a much needed serotonin boost to our bodies, but it’s vital to understand how the summer heat can have an affect on those with disabilities. Provide emotional support and create activities that enhance wellbeing and distract from discomfort. Monitor for signs of increased anxiety, distress or isolation during hot spells too.

These are just a few of the many examples of how you can ensure safety in the sun and during the summer. To read more about our tips on summer safety and a plethora of other interesting and relevant topics, be sure to check out the Dean Healthcare blog, brimming with insight, resources and interesting reads, by clicking the link below

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Changing Rooms: Bristol Gets A Makeover 🎨

We’re really excited to announce a few changes to our Bristol branch that will be occurring over the next few weeks. We have been in our new Bristol office, close to the Bristol Royal Infirmary, for a few months now, and while the team have settled in well to their new surroundings, it’s time to put our own stamp on the space, and much like the Gloucester branch, inject some personality into it and make it our own!

Our Marketing Assistant, Kai, has been busy creating a grand plan for our ‘new look’ Bristol branch, including artwork of our Healthcare Worker illustrations as people enter the premises, as well as some new backdrops to decorate the walls surrounding our Bristol recruitment team, we’re already extremely excited to announce we’ll soon have a dedicated mural in the training room, featuring all of the incredibly iconic landmarks that makes Bristol so unique!

Although we’re just getting started on turning these designs into a reality, you can follow along with the progress by following us on social media using the links below, or searching for @deanhealthcare on all platforms.

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Para-Chute For The Skies: An Update 🪂

In the previous edition of the Dean Healthcare newsletter, we presented our story on Paige. One of our selfless healthcare workers, Paige wanted to raise money for The Sick Children’s Trust, a charitable organisation close to her heart, which raises vital funds for families who may not be able to visit their children when in hospital as a result of distances from home or a lack of financial support such as finding affordable places to stay or being unable to work as a result of their situation.

We are extremely proud to inform you that Paige has successfully reached their £400 target and has also completed the adrenaline inducing skydive, and as you can see, it looks like Paige enjoyed every moment!

“The skydive was amazing!! I’m already looking at booking my next one!”

You can still continue to contribute to Paige's fundraising efforts, by visiting her Just Giving page at

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Your Voice Matters: Feedback From Our Surveys 🔊

As many of you will be aware, we recently sent out a survey regarding Dean Healthcare. We wanted input to tell us how our Clients and workers feel about Dean Healthcare.

As a quality Healthcare Recruitment Agency, we want to be able to take on board these opinions and help us better improve the services we provide.

The feedback has been invaluable and we are extremely grateful for those who took the time to respond to our survey. Below are some of the responses we received from our Clients, with ‘very’ and ‘good’ being the highest possible option of choice for them to choose from.

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Recertification in ISO 🏆

And finally, we are proud to announce that Dean Healthcare has passed its most recent ISO inspection with flying colours!

ISO stands for International Organisational Standard with many different categories for which a company, like Dean Healthcare, can register. The most enduringly popular and multi-industry focused is the ISO 9001:2015; A certificate that proves your organisation has a quality management system that demonstrates the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet the needs of customers as well as regulatory requirements.

After the ISO inspection, involving our Strategic Development Manager, Bee Blomely, and Managing Director, Samuel Meechan, Dean Healthcare was recertified with no non-conformities or corrections required, something we are incredibly proud of.

We also received many compliments within our report which can be read below.

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